'Jihad is obligatory for you, much as you dislike it! (Quran 2.216)
It is the duty of all Muslims to carry out jihad (struggle) in every walk of life afforded to them. Those who are physically incapable of participating in the greatest form of jihad (plunging physically into battle against the infidel in the hopes of dying as a martyr in the cause of Allah, which is the only way to go straight to Paradise) are duty-bound by their religion to seek alternative methods of fighting and terrorising the Kuffar (unbelievers).
Jihad in Western democracies
Thus modern-day fundamentalist Muslims living in the comparatively peaceful lands of the Kuffar have resorted to various ingenious ways of subverting those Western societies which have been naïve enough to have accepted them as citizens and thus given them the opportunity to undermine those democratic freedoms that are incompatible with the fundamental Islamic beliefs and Sharia Law as taught by the Prophet Muhammad.
Jihad of wealth, the tongue and the pen
The Prophet Muhammad taught that those Muslims who could not go to war and give their lives in the name of Allah could also play their part by giving money to the cause. They could also continually strive (struggle) to spread Islam ‘by the tongue and the pen’ and could use any deceit or lies they needed to deceive the Kuffar in the struggle to bring the whole world under Sharia, the Law of Allah which supersedes all human laws, democracy included.
In modern terms, this means the relentless foreign funding of mosques, madrassas, Muslim faith schools, colleges and universities across Britain, all dedicated to teaching, orally and in writing, the principles of the Quran: that all unbelievers are ‘unclean’, that Christians and Jews are the ‘worst of creatures’, and that Christians in particular are ‘deluded’ in believing that Christ Jesus died on the Cross, and will burn in Hell for believing that ‘Allah ever had a son.’
The most important jihadi book – ‘In Pursuit of Allah’s Pleasure’
Although most jihadi websites have been taken down, there are many Muslim websites that sell books that promote physical jihad against the Kuffar, the most popular of which is ‘In Pursuit of Allah’s Pleasure’ discovered by the CIA in Bin Laden’s Abbotabad compound.
Described by various Islamic websites as ‘a complete methodology for Islamic work today,’ this is a book inciting Muslims to the Islamic work of jihad of the sword. The book is freely available to buy on the internet at numerous sites including Amazon. Like many other jihadi books, it mainly consists of the many violent verses of the Quran cobbled together in order to incite the majority of peace-loving Muslims that it is their duty in life to give Allah pleasure by attacking and fighting the Kuffar and dying as martyrs in His cause.
It was discovered in Osama bin Laden’s library in the Abbotabad compound.
It can be downloaded at:
or at www.kalamullah.com/Books/AllahsPleasure.pdf
Another jihadi book – ‘44 Ways to Support Jihad’
Freely available to read on the internet is ‘44 Ways to Support Jihad’ by Anwar Al-Awlaki, designed to educate Muslims in Western societies as to how they can support the cause of Allah and help to bring about the end of democracy in order to implement the rule of Sharia Law.
The Religion of Peace.com
Slogan: ‘Is Islam really a Religion of Peace? What makes Islam so different?’
A major website that provides a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly running total of how many people have died or been injured in Islamic attacks across the world since 9/11.
Many of these attacks are not reported by the mainstream media. By the beginning of 2024, the total number of fatal attacks committed by Muslims across the world since 11th September 2001 had already surpassed 45,000.
The Noble Quran.com
Slogan: ‘Free online translation of The Noble Quran in Modern English language by Dr. Hilali and Muhammad Muhsin Khan. Whole Quran indexed by surahs.’
Slogan: ‘The Quran translated into many languages in a simple and easy interface.’
Corpus Quran.com
Slogan: ‘Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource for the Holy Quran with seven parallel translations in English.’
The Clear Quran.com
Slogan: ‘Perhaps the Best Quran English Translation. Clear, Pure, Easy to Understand.’
The Miraculous Quran.org
Slogan: ‘The Miraculous Quran.’
Islam Question & Answer.info
Slogan: ‘Islam Q&A is an academic, educational, dawah website which aims to offer advice and academic answers based on evidence from religious texts in an adequate and easy-to-understand manner. These answers are supervised by Shaykh Muhammad Saalih al-Munajjid.’
Islamic Finder.com
Slogan: Calendars and times of prayers, knowledge of Islam and Sunnah
Slogan: ‘Access 3000+ Resources about Islam and Muslims’