'O Jews! Do not confound Truth with falsehood, nor knowingly conceal the Truth! (Sura 2.42)
1. The Quran (The Recital)
The Quran is the holy book of the religion of Islam founded by the Prophet Muhammad (c.570CE – 632CE).
2. The Quran, the unalterable word of Allah.
Every word of the Quran as it exists today is claimed by Muslim scholars to be the unalterable word of Allah, the ancient Arab creator god whom the Prophet Muhammad identified as synonymous with Jehovah, the ancient creator God of Abraham worshipped by both Jews and Christians.
3. The date of the Quran
According to the traditional Muslim sources, the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad during his lifetime, from his first revelation at the age of forty in 610CE until his death in 632CE. During this time, Muhammad insulted, fought, exiled and killed the Jews of Medina who refused to convert to his new religion of Islam and accept him as a prophet of Jehovah.
4. Oral transmission of the Quran by Muhammad.
It is essential to realise that every word of the Quran came out of the mouth of Muhammad ibn Abdullah, the self-proclaimed Prophet of Islam, and his revelations cannot be understood without relation to events in Muhammad’s life. Muhammad himself was illiterate, so his followers were the ones who wrote down his revelations as he recited them, and they used whatever materials they had to hand. It was only after Muhammad’s death during the reign of Caliph Uthman that the Quran was collated, edited and put into its current order of 114 suras (chapters).
5. The Quran to be followed to the letter.
All devout Muslims must follow the eternal and unchangeable commands of Allah as revealed in the Quran to Muhammad and must follow them slavishly, as indeed they must emulate the actions of their infallible prophet at all times, however warlike and violent. Muhammad himself said, ‘You must follow my sunna (practices) and avoid novelties, Every novelty is an innovation and every innovation is an error.’ (Sunan Abu Dawood 4590)
6. Muslims taught to shun Jews and other unbelievers.
For 1400 years, devout Muslims have learned from the Quran and from the words and actions of Muhammad himself that Allah has repeatedly reviled and cursed all kuffar (infidels), in particular the Jews, and that Muslims must never make friends with infidels lest they become ‘unclean’ or ‘corrupted’ by contact with them.
7. Muslims taught to wage war on unbelievers.
Worse still, there are several hundred passages of the Quran in which Allah reviles and condemns all those who do not believe in Muhammad’s revelations, and a certain crucial passage in which He commands Muhammad to wage war on the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) until they are ‘utterly subdued.’ (See Sura 9.29 below.)
8. Jews reviled as apes and swine.
The Quran contains 114 suras. From the very first sura, and throughout the entire Quran, Allah (always and entirely through the mouth of Muhammad) repeatedly reviles Jews above all other unbelievers, branding them accursed ‘enemies of Allah’ and subhuman ‘apes’ and ‘swine’ destined for the Fires of Hell. Their sin was to mock Muhammad and refuse to accept him as a prophet of their god Jehovah.
9. Young Muslim children taught daily to recite the anti-Semitic Quran.
All over the world, including in Western democratic societies, devout Muslims send their young children daily to Islamic schools and madrassahs where they learn to recite in Classical Arabic the passages of the Quran that tell them that Jews are not only ‘arrogant, treacherous, hypocritical, corrupt and evil’ but are also the eternal and ‘accursed enemies of Allah.’
10. Quran the most violent anti-Semitic polemic in the world.
In fact, it could be argued that the Quran is the most ancient, widespread, intolerant, and violent anti-Semitic polemic that the world has ever known. The only possible reason that it has not been condemned as such is because it is a holy book taught to, and recited by, many millions of people as the word of their God.
Reasons for the anti-Semitic verses in the Quran
The Prophet Muhammad rejected in his home town of Mecca
In his home town of Mecca, where 360 idols were worshipped at the Kabah, Muhammad’s claim (that he was a Prophet of the supreme Arab creator god Allah who alone should be worshipped) was rejected from the start by tribal leaders, and he and his followers were subjected to severe mockery and persecution.
When Muhammad went on to claim that Allah was the God of Abraham worshipped by Jews and Christians, the more educated amongst them said, ‘Would you turn all the Gods into One, Muhammad?’ and simply mocked him all the more.
Muhammad gains support from the Aus and Khazraj
Muhammad was determined to find followers who would support him against his own people. In 619CE, after nine years of rejection and mockery, he sought help from the leaders of the Thafiq tribe in al-Taif, only to be rejected and mocked there also. However the following year, his luck changed. In 620CE, according to Muslim biographer Ibn Ishaq:
‘Muhammad met some men of Medina who said they were of the Khazraj tribe. They and the tribe of Aus lived alongside tribes of Jews, who were People of the Scriptures, whilst they themselves were idolators. When the Khazraj heard the apostle recite his Quranic revelations, they said, ‘This is the very prophet the Jews warned us about! Let us accept him before they do!’ Thereupon they accepted his teachings, saying ‘We have renounced our own people, for no tribe is so divided by hatred and rancour as they are. Perhaps Allah will unite them through you!’
So they returned to Medina as believers and Ansar (Helpers), promising to meet with Muhammad the following year.’ (Ibn Ishaq, p197-198) See Chapter 2 on this website.
Muhammad’s Night Journey and the Ascent to Heaven
It was after this crucial meeting that Muhammad claimed to have travelled by night to Jerusalem on the back of the magic mule, Buraq:
‘The apostle said, ‘Buraq, the animal whose every stride carries it as far as its eye can reach, was brought to me and I was seated upon it by Gabriel who then flew beside me to see the marvels of heaven and earth, until we came to the Temple of Jerusalem. There we found Abraham, Moses and Jesus amongst a company of prophets. I was shown the fiery furnace and tortures of Hell, before being led up through the heavens to the seventh heaven where a man was enthroned at the gate of the immortal mansion. This was my father Abraham. Never have I seen a man more like myself’!’
The apostle returned to Mecca and told the Meccans what had happened, and many Muslims gave up their faith.’ (Ibn Isha, pp181-187) See Chapter 2 on this website.
Although many of his own Meccan followers abandoned him, Muhammad felt that this Night Journey had confirmed him as the last and greatest Prophet of the Judeo-Christian God Jehovah. He then had a revelation from Allah to change the Muslim qibla (direction of prayer) from the Kabah in Mecca to the Temple of Jerusalem in expectation of being welcomed in Medina as a new Jewish prophet.
Indeed, this supposed ‘Night Journey’on Buraq is the sole basis for the Muslim claim to Jerusalem as a Holy City for Islam, a source of contention and a pretext for war against Jews and Christians for 1400 years ever since Allah’s Great Declaration of War on all kuffar (unbelievers) in 622CE.
Allah’s Permission to Wage War, and The Pledge of War
In 622CE, a new revelation came down from Allah giving Muhammad permission to wage war on the Meccans who had rejected him: ‘For those who are attacked, wrongly harmed and driven from their homes for faith in Allah, permission now is given to take up arms. (Sura 22.39). Fight them until oppression is no more and Allah’s religion reigns supreme!’ (Sura 2.193)
So when the twelve Ansar leaders met up with Muhammad again,‘they pledged their allegiance to him as warriors, and the apostle said, ‘I am of you and you are of me. I will war against those who war against you, and be at peace with those at peace with you.’ (Ibn Ishaq, p201) See Chapter 2 on this website.
The Hijrah (Emigration to Medina) and opposition from the Jews
‘Having received Allah’s Permission to Wage War, and the pledge of armed support from the Ansar, the apostle ordered his companions in Mecca to emigrate to Medina’ (Ibn Ishaq, p213)
Unfortunately for Muhammad, the three settled and wealthiest tribes of Jews in Medina, who despised his Khazraj followers as illiterate, idolatrous and warring tribesmen, immediately rejected him as a prophet, and mocked him greatly for his own illiteracy and ignorance of their holy scriptures.
They completely denied his claim that the Arab god Allah (associated with the moon and three major Arab goddesses, Al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat), was the same god as their own ‘God of Abraham’, Jehovah.
When Muhammad started claiming that he was a prophet foretold in both the Torah and the Christian Gospels, and that King David and King Solomon were faithful and infallible Prophets of Islam alongside John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, and that both Jews and Christians had somehow falsifed their own ancient scriptures to hide this ‘Truth’, his claims were met with derision.
In fact, the Jews of Medina later preferred to be exiled or killed by Muhammad rather than submit to his new syncretic religion of Islam.
From this time on, Allah’s Quranic revelations revile Jews in general and the Jews of Medina in particular as the vilest of creatures, kuffar (unbelievers) condemned to eternal torment in Hellfire for rejecting Muhammad’s teachings.
The Anti-Semitic Quran
Part 1
Origin and Content of the Quran
Palestinian Television: extracts from a sermon by Preacher Osama Al-Tibi at a Ramallah mosque, 14 December 2018
“These are the Jews who haven’t changed throughout history.They are causing devastating corruption throughout the land.We must mention the truth about these Jews, which Allah wrote in his Book.
Among the Jews’ characteristics are: they have offended Allah, they murdered the prophets, they are cursed, and they have been denied Allah’s mercy, they have breached contracts, conventions, and agreements.
'So for their breaking of the covenant We cursed them.' 'And made of them apes and pigs and slaves of taghut.'(Quran 5.60)
These are the Jews, always fighting, always corrupting, always scheming, and always plotting against humanity.”
Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash