'Jihad is obligatory for you, much as you dislike it! (Quran 2.216)

Widows Press Publications

The Anti-Christian Quran:

Islam’s Eternal War Against the Cross

This booklet contains authentic extracts from the Quran, the Holy Book of Islam. Allah through the mouth of the prophet Muhammad admonishes Christians for believing in the divinity of Christ and reviles them as blasphemers and wrongdoers who have deliberately corrupted and altered their Gospel in order to conceal its prophecies about the coming of Muhammad and the Truth of Islam.

Presented here are the Prophet’s own lifelong diatribes against Christianity as well as Quranic verses that command Muslims to fight Christians until they are brought low and forced to pay tribute to their Islamic masters, verses that have inspired and justified 1400 years of bloody conflict, genocide and terrorism against Christians ever since. 

Also included are the Prophet Muhammad’s own sayings recorded in the hadith about the long-awaited Islamic Day of Judgement: when Jesus will join the Muslims in the Final Annihilation of accursed Jews, when Christianity will become extinct, and the entire world will belong to Allah.

The Anti-Christian Quran: 32 pages, A5, self-cover. ISBN 978-1-9996871-2-0. £1.50 

First published in Great Britain: 11 September 2021 

Available to order from all good bookshops or ordered direct
from Widows Press, PO Box 569, Torquay, Devon TQ1 9JA

The Anti-Semitic Quran:

Islam’s Eternal War Against the Cross

This booklet is a compilation of authentic extracts from the Quran, the Holy Book of Islam that came out of the mouth of the Prophet Muhammad. Allah admonishes the Jews for refusing to convert to Islam and accept Muhammad as the last and seal of the prophets of the ‘God of Abraham’ worshipped by both Jews and Christians. 

Presented here are seventy continuous Quranic verses uttered by the Prophet Muhammad of Allah’s hateful anti-Semitic rhetoric in which Jews are vilified as sorcerers, evildoers and dscendants of pigs and monkeys, verses which are learned by heart and recited by Muslim children all over the world today. 

The Prophet Muhammad’s own violent attacks, assassinations and massactres of Jews inspired by the Quran are also described in authentic extracts from the eighth-century biographer, Ibn Ishaq, as well as Muhammad’s own sayings recorded in the hadith about the long-awaited Islamic Day of Judgement when Jesus will join the Muslims in the Final Annihilation of accursed Jews, when Christianity will become extinct, and the entire world will belong to Allah.

The Anti-Semitic Quran: 24 pages, A5, self-cover. ISBN 978-1-9996871-1-3. £1.50 

First published in Great Britain: 29 October 2020. 

Available to order from all good bookshops or ordered direct
from Widows Press, PO Box 569, Torquay, Devon TQ1 9JA

Ibn Ishaq’s Sirat Rasul Allah

The Life of Muhammad

Authentic extracts from Ibn Ishaq’s Life of the Apostle of Allah which are designed to bring to a larger audience the true story of how in the Dark Ages the Prophet Muhammad rose to power, terrorised his enemies, and became, with his revelations in the Quran, the founder of Islam, the Religion of the Sword. 

Ibn Ishaq recounts the exploits of Islam’s earliest warriors: Hamza and Abu Dujana, as well as Khalid, Abu Bakr, Omar and Ali, who after the apostle’s death, went on to conquer much of the known world and threaten the very existence of Christianity and Judaism in the Middle East.

Copious notes provide insight into the origins of the Caliphate, Sharia Law, and the Muslim beliefs, traditions, and war-like attitude to unbelievers that are enshrined in the Quran, and still form inspiration for Islamist terrorism and violence across the world today.

The Life of Muhammad: 36 pages, A5, self-cover. ISBN 978-1-9996871-0-3. £1.50 

First published in Great Britain: 2017. 

Available to order from all good bookshops or ordered direct
from Widows Press, PO Box 569, Torquay, Devon TQ1 9JA

Children of the Koran

The first publication from Widows Press, a book of poems of recitations from the Koran in dialogue  form.

In Part 1: The Recitation of the Glorious Book, devout Muslim father Selim tests his son’s and daughter’s knowledge of Allah’s words in the Koran: how ‘all believers true/Cannot be friends with infidel or Jew’ and how those ‘who fight for God and give their lives shall enter Heaven indeed.

The poems in Part 2: Children of the Koran describe the results of such teachings and the parental grief that comes from the loss of jihadi sons in acts of ‘destruction, war and killing in the name of God’ that followed in the years after the attack on the Twin Towers on 11 September 2001.   

Children of the Koran: 24 pages, A5, self-cover. ISBN 978-1-9996871-3-7. £1.50 

First published in great Britain: 2016. Reprinted 2017. 

Available to order from all good bookshops or ordered direct
from Widows Press, PO Box 569, Torquay, Devon TQ1 9JA.

Author Philip Hall (pen name) 

Author Philip Hall, BA Hons, PGCE (EFL), poet, former teacher, writer, and editor of English language teaching materials for several major British publishing companies, has been studying the life of Muhammad and his revelations in the Quran for over twenty years. He has watched with increasing concern the rise of anti-Semitism and anti-Western feeling amongst young Muslim students in universities across Britain.  

The Anti-Semitic Quran

As Philip says, “I compiled The Anti-Semitic Quran in 2020 and published it on 29th October, the date of Muhammad’s birthday that year. 

As I pointed out in press releases then: ‘Literally millions of Muslim children in Quranic schools  across the world are being taught daily, often under duress, to recite by heart these nauseating anti-Semitic verses in the Quran. And by duress, I mean beatings. In  Africa, they have even found children beaten, starved and shackled.” (See Mail Online 21 July 2020: 15 children found covered in scars and wounds at a Nigerian Islamic school). 

“The booklet was inspired by events in France, where horrific anti-Semitic acts of violence committed by Muslim immigrants had been on the rise, with terrified Jews fleeing the country. 

On 21 April 2018, up to 300 prominent intellectuals and politicians, including former President Nicolas Sarkozy, signed ‘A Manifesto against the new anti-Semitism‘ demanding that ‘the verses of the Quran calling for the killing of Jews, Christians and unbelievers be rendered obsolete by [Islamic] religious authorities.’ “Of course,” says Philip, “they got nowhere. No Muslim on earth has ever had the authority to alter the words of Allah that came out of the mouth of the Prophet Muhammad!”

“Not many people realise what a brilliant military strategist the Prophet Muhammad was,” says Philip. “By the time he fled to Medina in 622CE, he already obtained loyal armed supporters there, pledged to fight to the death for him. When the Jews of Medina met his claim to be a Prophet of their God with outright mockery and derision, Allah’s revelations to Muhammad in the Quran turned into anti-Jewish rhetoric, and within five years the Jewish tribes of Medina no longer existed – having been exiled or massacred, with, as Ibn Ishaq says, ‘their women sold as slaves in exchange for horses and weapons.’” 

The Anti-Christian Quran

With regard to The Anti-Christian Quran, as Philip said at the time, this booklet was compiled and published on 11 September 2021 to mark the 20th anniversary of the Islamist attack on the Twin Towers that changed the world forever. 

“Literally millions of Muslim children in Quranic schools  across the world are being taught daily, often under duress, to recite by heart nauseating anti-Semitic and Christianophobic verses of the Quran. This has led to Muslims supporting ideologically motivated attacks on our country’s heritage, and a general undermining of our democratic values and religious tolerance. 

As Ed Husain reveals in his recent book, ‘Among the Mosques’, the extreme Deobandi movement, in favour of imposing Sharia law, has now infiltrated more than half of Britain’s mosques. 

Today, thousands of Islamic websites and online channels extol the past glories of the genocidal Ottoman Empire, based on the greatest and cruellest slave trade the world has ever known, and encourage Muslims to attack Christianity whilst dreaming of imposing a new Islamic Caliphate on the world by any means necessary, violent or otherwise.’’  

For author interviews, email: widowspress@yahoo.com